Earthlink DSL is one of the broadband internet services offered by Earthlink, the popular internet service provider. Earthlink DSL makes a good choice for high speed internet access, since they have useful features, award winning customer support, and great deals such as low introductory prices, free activation and free equipment. Sign up for Earthlink DSL Today!
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) is one of the most popular options for high-speed, broadband internet access. Although it works over your existing telephone lines, DSL service does not interfere with your phone service (as dialup internet access does), so your telephone and answering machine work normally even when you are using the Internet. DSL access is an always-on connection and is approximately 50 times faster than a dial up connection. One great choice for DSL service is Earthlink DSL.
Earthlink DSL - Info - Details - Sign Up
Earthlink DSL Speed Internet access through Earthlink DSL is very fast. In fact, it's approximately 70 times faster than a dialup internet connection. Download speeds are up to 3.0 Mbps and upload speeds are up to 128 Kbps.
It is common for the upload speed to be slower than the download speed with DSL internet access. When the upload speeds are different, or asymmetric, it is called ADSL or Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. Usual home internet use and web browsing results in mostly downloading and only a little uploading, which matches very well with adsl capabilities. ADSL is usually the lowest priced dsl option, making it the best choice for most people.
Forms of DSL where the upload speed matches the download speed are called SDSL or Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line. Commonly used for business dsl service, sdsl generally costs quite a bit more than adsl. Earth link DSL doesn't offer SDSL, but this is not a big drawback since the vast majority of subscribers would be better off with ADSL because of the low price and high performance with typical usage.
Earthlink DSL Features At the time of this writing, Earthlink DSL packages include these features:
- Unlimited High-Speed Internet access
- 8 email accounts
- 10 MB of personal Web space for your homepage per email account
- Dynamic IP addressing for added security
- Toll-free tech support from friendly DSL experts -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- 20 hours of dial-up access per month--so you can access your email or the Web while away from home
Earthlink DSL Price Earthlink DSL starts as low as $12.95 per month, but the special deal is just for the first 6 months. Making this a really amazing offer is that Earth Link offers FREE activation and a FREE installation kit that includes a free ADSL modem and the other intems you need to get started. With everything you need to get started included for free and a low monthly rate, go ahead and Join Earthlink DSL Today!
Other DSL Providers Earthlink DSL isn't the only choice for DSL Provider. Other choices include Verizon DSL, Qwest Internet and AT&T DSL.
Other Broadband Internet Providers DSL isn't the only option for broadband internet service. Another option for high speed internet access is cable internet, and providers such as Adelphia, Charter, Comcast, Cox, Earthlink and Time Warner.
Earthlink DSL Internet

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