Read the instructions on the page on how to cancel Earthlink service. If you need to cancel an Earthlink account, this site provides info on how to cancel your Earthlink membership subscription.
Before you Cancel Earthlink Service If you plan to continue to have Internet access through another ISP, it's probably best to sign up with another provider before you cancel your Earthlink account. Find another Internet service provider and compare dial-up services with our ISP search, or browse our listings of DSL ISP and Cable ISP services. Once you have your new ISP setup, go on to the next step and cancel Earthlink service.
How to Cancel an Earthlink Account To cancel your Earthlink dial-up membership subscription, you need to call the Billing and Account Changes department at 1-888-EarthLink. Billing related support is available Monday through Friday from 7am - midnight EST and Saturday and Sunday from 8am to 10pm EST. You cannot cancel Earthlink online, as calling in appears to be the only option.
If you are a Earthlink Consumer aDSL member and you want to cancel, call 1-888-829-8466. To cancel Earth Link Satellite service, call 1-800-635-0373.
If you are a Business customer, call 1-866-291-6976 to cancel an Earthlink dial-up account. To cancel dedicated business access service (SDSL, IDSL, Extended DSL, T1, T3, Frame, Small Office), you need to call 1-888-698-4357.
For other contact information, see the Earthlink Support Center Contact Us page.
Earthlink Related Links: Earth Link Dial-Up Info, Join Earthlink
Other Cancellation Information This page provides Earthlink cancellation info. Continue to other pages where we provide instructions on how to cancel other internet service providers.
Other choices include Cancel AOL, Cancel ArcZip, Cancel AT&T, Cancel Earthlink, Cancel Joi Internet, Cancel Juno, Cancel MFire, Cancel Netscape, Cancel NetZero and Cancel PeoplePC Online.
• ISP Internet Service Providers > Dialup > Cancel Earthlink