AOL is the biggest ISP in the United States, and they keep adding exclusive new features to keep that position. The latest version of America Online is AOL 9.0 Optimized, wich includes TopSpeed technology to allow you to surf up to 5x faster. Sign up for an AOL Free Trial Today!
Because it is so easy and convenient, dialup Internet remains a popular way to connect to the Web. Plus dial up is cheaper than broadband internet services such as DSL access and cable providers, and you can use dial up when traveling. Now faster connections than ever in dialup are possible, with high speed dialup accelerators, such as AOL 9.0 Optimized with TopSpeed.
AOL 9.0 - Info - Details - Sign Up
AOL 9.0 Optimized America Online 9.0 Optimized includes these features:
- Unlimited Free Hours for 30 Days
- Comphrehensive Anti-virus Protection
- AOL Spyware Protection
- TopSpeed Technology
- Exclusive Programming
AOL Internet Price AOL 9.0 Optimized is $25.90 per month. However, you can get a 30 day free trial with no credit card required. Start your AOL Free Trial today!
AOL Drawbacks One of the biggest drawbacks to America Online is the relatively high cost. At $25.90 per month, AOL is the most expensive of the well know dialup providers. For some, the exclusive content and extras AOL provides is worth the steep price, but others will want to find a better value.
AOL Related Links: How to Cancel AOL
Other Dialup Internet Providers AOL Internet isn't the online choice for Dial Up Provider.
Choices include ArcZip, America Online, Juno Internet, Net Zero, People PC, Joi Internet, Netscape ISP, Earth Link and M Fire.

• ISP Internet Service Providers > Dialup > AOL