With their low prices and quality service, PeoplePC Online is an ISP that keeps growing and growing. There are two versions to choose from, People PC Online, and PeoplePC Online Accelerated, and both are worthy of consideration as your next internet provider. Sign up for PeoplePC Today!
While DSL and cable are growing, dialup ISPs remain a popular way of connecting to the Web. This is because dial up is convenient, easy and you can use it away from home. Plus dialup is cheap compared to broadband service options such as DSL service and cable internet. For those in need of a fast connection, there are high speed dialup accelerators like PeoplePC Online Accelerated.
PeoplePC Online Internet - Info - Details - Sign Up
PeoplePC Online With PeoplePC Internet you get a number of important features:
- Unlimited Internet Service
- Fast, Reliable Connections with Smart Dialer technology
- Surf and Email with Ease
- Outlook Express and Web Mail
- Spam controls, Virus Blocker
- Pop-up Blocker
- Instant Messaging Compatibility
- No Credit Card required
PeoplePC Online Accelerated For just $5 more per month you can upgrade to People PC Online Accelerated and surf up to 2x - 5x faster.
PeoplePC Internet Price PeoplePC Online is $10.95 per month and PeoplePC Online Accelerated is $15.95 per month. For a limited time, there is a special offer through our links where you get your first 3 months at 1/2 price! This makes the plans just $5.47 and $7.97, respectively, for your first 3 months. With this limited time special discount offer, Join PeoplePC Today!
PeoplePC Drawbacks People PC Online Internet is a relatively good deal, but there are a couple drawbacks. You only get 4 email accounts included, which could be a problem for some users. Another potential problem is that PeoplePC Online tech support is not free. Telephone technical support is a relatively expensive $1.95 per minute.
PeoplePC Related Links: How to Cancel PeoplePC
Other Dialup Internet Providers PeoplePC Online is not your only option for Dial Up Access.
Choices include ArcZip, America Online, Juno Internet, Net Zero, People PC, Joi Internet, Netscape ISP, Earth Link and M Fire.

• ISP Internet Service Providers > Dialup > PeoplePC Online